Kennaflow Seats
Superior Performing Frac Solutions
KennaFlow Carbide seats feature a full open seat design with a redesigned interference fit and optimized dimensions to address the industry needs, while providing significantly higher abrasion resistance. KennaFlow Seats are offered in P4 and P5 sizes with the option to customize for your specific needs.
Increased Operating Life, More Stages
ИНСТРУМЕНТА ДО 10 РАЗ Седла KennaFlow обеспечивают стойкость инструмента до 500 часов по сравнению с 40-60 часами для стальных седел. More stages can be completed in less time and increase your profitability due to our increased seat life.
Improve Up Time
Time between stages is continuously decreasing thanks to new procedures and technologies. As this time continues to decrease, the potential for non-productive time to accrue due to maintenance is ever increasing. Повышение производительности и прибыли KennaFlow seats are here to help mitigate non-productive time by reducing the amount of maintenance touches to critical sections of your fluid ends.
Lower Risk
The risk of injury in the oilfield is always present, especially while working on equipment. With the increased operating life of our seats, the risk of injury decreases due to the minimized number of change outs required for your fluid end seats.
Valve and Piping Solutions
Protect Unreachable Areas
Cladding can be applied to complex geometries, inside diameters smaller than 1", and to other areas unreachable by standard methods.
Range of Coating Operations
Maximize piping and elbow life by selecting the material best suited to deal with the fluid or media being conveyed. Available coating options are specifically designed to solve most wear problems — from corrosion to severe abrasion.
Высокое качество обработанной поверхности
Certain Stellite™ substrate combinations allow for crack-free coatings, prohibiting corrosive fluids from reaching the substrate, substantially increasing conveyance system life.
Smooth “as applied” surface minimizes efficiency losses inherent with other types of protection.
High Coating Quality
Conforma Clad coatings are pure, uniform, and dense, with consistent properties through the entire coating thickness to ensure ongoing reliable performance and predictable wear.
The metallurgical bond ensures Conforma Clad coatings will not flake or chip off, even under extreme conditions. No unexpected performance changes in operation due to loss of protection.
Wear Technologies
Cemented Tungsten Carbide
Superior wear-resistant solutions available in many formulations to deliver performance for any application. Solid carbide products can be designed simple or highly complex, and manufactured in a variety of methods, including Additive Layer Manufacturing.
KennaFlow solid carbide seats are the longest lasting seats in the industry.
Conforma Clad™ Technology
Tungsten carbide and Stellite™ grades offer cladding protection for a wide range of wear environments and substrates. Cladding can be applied to complex geometries with a metallurgical bond. Превосходная стойкость к ударным воздействиям, абразивному истиранию, коррозии и воздействию высоких температур.
Conforma Clad™ technology has been successfully used in many critical applications, such as flow control, radial bearings for downhole drilling, and return bends in delayed coking furnaces.
Stellite™ Components & Materials
As the original Stellite™ producer, our materials have been used in many areas of oil and gas recovery and processing. A full range of Stellite™ grades are available in powder, wire, rod, casting, powder metal, and wrought forms.
Stellite™ is used in critical applications that are exposed to multiple modes of wear, such as severe service valves, nozzles, and MWD/LWD components.