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Пластины A4™ для обработки канавок и точения
Номер материала1952742
Идентификатор каталога ISOA4G0305M03U02GMPИдентификатор каталога ANSIA4G0305M03U02GMP
- P Steel
- M Stainless Steel
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Номер материала | 1952742 |
Идентификатор каталога ISO | A4G0305M03U02GMP |
Идентификатор каталога ANSI | A4G0305M03U02GMP |
Grade | KT315 |
Insert Size | 3 |
[W] Cutting Width | 3.1 mm |
[W] Cutting Width | .122 in |
[RR] Corner Radius | 0.2 mm |
[RR] Corner Radius | .008 in |
[LI] Insert Length | 20.1 mm |
[LI] Insert Length | .791 in |
[T] Cuttg Depth | 3.5 mm |
[T] Cutting Depth | .138 in |
Обрабатываемый материал
- Steel
- Stainless Steel
Composition: A multilayer PVD-TiN/TiCN/TiN-coated cermet turning grade.
Application: Ideal for high-speed finishing to medium machining of most carbon and alloy steels and stainless steels. Performs very well in cast and ductile iron applications, too. Provides long and consistent tool life and will produce excellent workpiece finishes.
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