この地球には、地上や地下で行う作業がたくさんあります。 鉱物を発掘し、パイプやケーブルを埋設し、炭層を採掘する必要があります。 業務が露天掘り、溝工事、または坑内採掘であるかにかかわらず、日々、多様な固有の課題に直面しています。
適切なソリューションがなければ、苦労して切削したり、深く掘ったり、必定以上に作業に時間をかけてしまう可能性があります。 地球を相手にする必要があるなら、お客様の地上や地下での業務に関する日々の課題に対処するソリューションをケナメタルにお求めください。
- 露天採掘Surface mining with surface miner drums and cutting bits lets you go beyond scratching the surface with more control and less cost. There’s no drilling or blasting, storing explosives, or downtime between these operations. You’re moving, mining, and making money.Surface mining with surface miner drums and cutting bits lets you go beyond scratching the surface with more control and less cost. There’s no drilling or blasting, storing explosives, or downtime between these operations. You’re moving, mining, and making money.
- 絶好の機会If you’re a trenching machine owner, you need to be fast, efficient, and cost effective to bid on and win jobs. You want blocks and cutting bits that help you finish the job early so you can move onto the next one. You can’t afford tools that slow you down.If you’re a trenching machine owner, you need to be fast, efficient, and cost effective to bid on and win jobs. You want blocks and cutting bits that help you finish the job early so you can move onto the next one. You can’t afford tools that slow you down.