Complete Wear Solutions for Centrifuge Machines

With a thorough understanding of our customers’ process and application challenges, we proactively address wear, heat, and corrosion problems to deliver productivity, reliability, and extended life to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and rebuilders of centrifugal separation equipment.

Успех Kennametal основан на наших возможностях — нашей способности использовать специальные решения для оптимизации ваших результатов, нашей готовности применять широкий спектр материалов, решений для металлообработки, знания областей применения и технологий изготовления специальных компонентов, а также профессиональную компетенцию в сфере поставок.

Наше стремление к успеху, подкрепляемое нашими передовыми разработками в области материаловедения, знанием областей применения и стремлением к созданию экологически рациональной среды воплощается в широком ассортименте инновационных специальных износостойких решений.

Decanter Centrifuge Tiles

We have decades of expertise joining steel and carbide using process like torch, induction and furnace brazing, and produce millions of tools & components each year using these processes.

With our new centrifuge tile, we have developed a product that brings OEM quality and reliability to the centrifuge rebuilder, as a standard offering to the market.


Компоненты для защиты от износа

Kennametal has been supplying Centrifuge wear components for decades. We are familiar with Decanter centrifuge wear components and the environment they need to endure.

We also understand that your reputation can be on the line if an inferior wear product fails in service and leaves a customer with unplanned down time. 


Tungsten Carbide Materials

Kennametal was founded on an innovative formula of Tungsten Carbide. Today, carbide is still the primary material for our tools and wear products.

We continue to invest in our capacity and have an integrated process for the life cycle of our tools. From mine to raw material through production and recycling, we are committed to carbide.


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