Carbide Wear Solutions for Centrifugal Separation Equipment

We supply standard and make-to-print wear components from Tungsten Carbide based material. These include sintered carbide blanks and assembled/brazed ready-to-use components. We also perform analytical services to help you develop or improve the service life of your equipment.




Solid & Screen Bowl Decanter Centrifuge Components

  • Scroll Flight Tiles (brazed carbide/steel assembly)
  • Feed and Discharge Nozzles
  • Scraper Bars & Plows
  • Wear Tile Platelets
  • Screen Bars
  • Hardfacing Materials


Техническая поддержка и сервис

When customers partner with Kennametal, they will have access to our analytical services. Together we can help you develop or improve your products.

Examples of this service include: Failure analysis, material analysis, wear and corrosion tests, and product engineering.

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