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TTGL • Метрическая система
Патроны с термозажимом
Номер материала6201358
Идентификатор каталога ISODV40TTGL10080MИдентификатор каталога ANSIDV40TTGL10080M
- Accuracy - 3μm or Less
- Drilling - Through Coolant
- Shank - Cylindrical Plain ≤h6
- Shank - Cylindrical Weldon® ≤h6
- Shank - Cylindrical Whistle Notch ≤h6
- Shank - SK DV DIN 69871
- Axial Adjustment - End
- Balance (G 2.5/25,000)
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Номер материала | 6201358 |
Идентификатор каталога ISO | DV40TTGL10080M |
Идентификатор каталога ANSI | DV40TTGL10080M |
[D1] Adapter / Shank / Bore Diameter | 10 mm |
[D1] Adapter / Shank / Bore Diameter | .3937 in |
[D2] Body Diameter 1 Workpiece Side | 24 mm |
[D2] Body Diameter 1 Workpiece Side | .9449 in |
[D21] Body Diameter 2 Workpiece Side | 32 mm |
[D21] Body Diameter 2 Workpiece Side | 1.259 in |
[L1] Gage Length | 80 mm |
[L1] Gage Length | 3.149 in |
[L2] Usable Length | 60.9 mm |
[L2] Usable Length | 2.397 in |
[L9] Clamping Length | 32 mm |
[L9] Clamping Hole Length | 1.259 in |
[V] Adjustment Range | 10 mm |
[V] Adjustment Range | .3937 in |
Weight Kilograms | 1.07 |
Использование и область применения
- Accuracy - 3μm or Less
- Drilling - Through Coolant
- Shank - Cylindrical Plain ≤h6
- Shank - Cylindrical Weldon® ≤h6
- Shank - Cylindrical Whistle Notch ≤h6
- Shank - SK DV DIN 69871
- Axial Adjustment - End
- Balance (G 2.5/25,000)
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