땅위, 땅속, 땅아래에서는 해야 할 일이 많습니다. 광물을 채광하고, 파이프와 케이블을 매설하고, 석탄층을 채굴해야 합니다. 노천채광이든, 트렌칭이든, 지하채광이든 관계 없이 귀사는 매일 다양하고 특정한 어려움에 직면하게 됩니다.
적합한 솔루션이 없다면 채굴 작업은 더욱 어려워지거나, 더 깊이 파거나 작업 시간이 길어집니다. 땅을 파야 하는 경우, Kennametal 솔루션을 선택하여 지면 위아래에서 발생하는 일상적인 문제를 해결하십시오.
- TrenchingIf you’re a trenching machine owner, you need to be fast, efficient, and cost effective to bid on and win jobs. You want blocks and cutting bits that help you finish the job early so you can move onto the next one. You can’t afford tools that slow you down.If you’re a trenching machine owner, you need to be fast, efficient, and cost effective to bid on and win jobs. You want blocks and cutting bits that help you finish the job early so you can move onto the next one. You can’t afford tools that slow you down.
- Underground Mining SafetyWe developed underground mining bits that produce less dust and designed underground drill bits that make less noise. Because nothing is more important than miner safety.We developed underground mining bits that produce less dust and designed underground drill bits that make less noise. Because nothing is more important than miner safety.
- 표면 채굴Surface mining with surface miner drums and cutting bits lets you go beyond scratching the surface with more control and less cost. There’s no drilling or blasting, storing explosives, or downtime between these operations. You’re moving, mining, and making money.Surface mining with surface miner drums and cutting bits lets you go beyond scratching the surface with more control and less cost. There’s no drilling or blasting, storing explosives, or downtime between these operations. You’re moving, mining, and making money.