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Kennametal EDM Blocks

Tungsten carbide grades serving the industry for over 40 years.

Industry leading grades proven in their application. We use a proprietary process which results in mechanical properties that resist corrosion, pitting and cracking commonly experienced during electrical discharge machining.

Grades That Punch Back

Kennametal EDM Blocks are made by a proprietary stress-relieving sinter-HIP process. Optimized metallurgy ensures pits or cracks won't slow you down.

Our latest grades include the KR Series. KR Grades feature a mix binder that provides corrosion resistance to help reduce EDM times and number of skim cuts.

Our proven grades ensure consistent, reliable performance while stamping a wide range of metals, from silicon steel to beryllium copper, and everything in between.

The right sizes and grades now available for online purchase!

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Over All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
  • 4.134 in (197)
  • 4.724 in (28)
  • 5.906 in (8)
  • 5.969 in (14)
  • 7.941 in (2)
Over All Length [L] Min a Over All Length [L] Max
Over All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
  • 105.0 mm (197)
  • 120.0 mm (28)
  • 150.0 mm (8)
  • 151.6 mm (14)
  • 201.701 mm (2)
Over All Length [L] Min a Over All Length [L] Max
Overall Width
Overall Width
  • 2.205 in (28)
  • 2.803 in (2)
  • 3.988 in (14)
  • 4.134 in (197)
  • 5.906 in (8)
Overall Width Min a Overall Width Max
Overall Width
Overall Width
  • 56.0 mm (28)
  • 71.2 mm (2)
  • 101.301 mm (14)
  • 105.0 mm (197)
  • 150.0 mm (8)
Overall Width Min a Overall Width Max
  • 1.0 mm (4)
  • 1.5 mm (6)
  • 2.0 mm (5)
  • 2.5 mm (6)
  • 3.0 mm (6)
  • 3.5 mm (5)
  • 4.0 mm (5)
  • 4.5 mm (5)
  • 5.0 mm (6)
  • 5.5 mm (5)
  • 6.0 mm (4)
  • 6.5 mm (7)
  • 7.0 mm (5)
  • 7.5 mm (5)
  • 8.0 mm (6)
  • 8.5 mm (8)
  • 9.0 mm (4)
  • 9.5 mm (5)
  • 10.0 mm (6)
  • 10.5 mm (6)
  • 11.0 mm (3)
  • 11.5 mm (2)
  • 12.0 mm (8)
  • 12.5 mm (5)
  • 13.0 mm (1)
  • 13.5 mm (2)
  • 14.0 mm (2)
  • 14.5 mm (3)
  • 15.0 mm (6)
  • 15.5 mm (2)
  • 16.0 mm (4)
  • 16.5 mm (2)
  • 17.0 mm (1)
  • 17.5 mm (1)
  • 18.0 mm (3)
  • 18.5 mm (1)
  • 19.0 mm (3)
  • 19.5 mm (1)
  • 20.0 mm (6)
  • 20.5 mm (4)
  • 21.0 mm (3)
  • 22.0 mm (2)
  • 23.0 mm (4)
  • 24.0 mm (1)
  • 25.0 mm (6)
  • 25.5 mm (2)
  • 26.0 mm (2)
  • 28.5 mm (2)
  • 30.0 mm (5)
  • 30.6 mm (2)
  • 32.0 mm (2)
  • 35.0 mm (4)
  • 38.0 mm (1)
  • 40.0 mm (2)
  • 41.5 mm (1)
  • 44.5 mm (1)
  • 45.0 mm (1)
  • 50.0 mm (3)
  • 50.801 mm (2)
  • 51.0 mm (3)
  • 52.0 mm (1)
  • 53.0 mm (1)
  • 53.5 mm (1)
  • 54.0 mm (1)
  • 55.0 mm (3)
  • 55.5 mm (2)
  • 57.0 mm (2)
  • 58.0 mm (1)
  • 60.0 mm (4)
  • 60.5 mm (2)
  • 63.2 mm (2)
  • 63.5 mm (2)
  • 65.0 mm (1)
  • 70.0 mm (2)
  • 76.5 mm (2)
  • 85.5 mm (2)
  • 89.0 mm (2)
Thickness Min a Thickness Max
  • 0.039 in (4)
  • 0.06 in (6)
  • 0.079 in (5)
  • 0.098 in (6)
  • 0.119 in (6)
  • 0.138 in (5)
  • 0.157 in (5)
  • 0.177 in (5)
  • 0.197 in (6)
  • 0.217 in (5)
  • 0.237 in (4)
  • 0.256 in (7)
  • 0.276 in (5)
  • 0.295 in (5)
  • 0.315 in (6)
  • 0.335 in (8)
  • 0.354 in (4)
  • 0.374 in (5)
  • 0.394 in (6)
  • 0.414 in (6)
  • 0.433 in (3)
  • 0.453 in (2)
  • 0.473 in (8)
  • 0.492 in (5)
  • 0.512 in (1)
  • 0.531 in (2)
  • 0.551 in (2)
  • 0.572 in (3)
  • 0.591 in (6)
  • 0.61 in (2)
  • 0.63 in (4)
  • 0.65 in (2)
  • 0.669 in (1)
  • 0.69 in (1)
  • 0.709 in (3)
  • 0.728 in (1)
  • 0.748 in (3)
  • 0.768 in (1)
  • 0.787 in (6)
  • 0.807 in (4)
  • 0.828 in (3)
  • 0.866 in (2)
  • 0.906 in (4)
  • 0.946 in (1)
  • 0.984 in (6)
  • 1.004 in (2)
  • 1.024 in (2)
  • 1.122 in (2)
  • 1.181 in (5)
  • 1.205 in (2)
  • 1.26 in (2)
  • 1.379 in (4)
  • 1.496 in (1)
  • 1.575 in (2)
  • 1.635 in (1)
  • 1.752 in (1)
  • 1.772 in (1)
  • 1.969 in (3)
  • 2.0 in (2)
  • 2.008 in (3)
  • 2.047 in (1)
  • 2.087 in (1)
  • 2.106 in (1)
  • 2.126 in (1)
  • 2.165 in (3)
  • 2.185 in (2)
  • 2.244 in (2)
  • 2.283 in (1)
  • 2.362 in (4)
  • 2.382 in (2)
  • 2.488 in (2)
  • 2.5 in (2)
  • 2.559 in (1)
  • 2.757 in (2)
  • 3.012 in (2)
  • 3.366 in (2)
  • 3.504 in (2)
Thickness Min a Thickness Max
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