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Modular Drilling • Carbide Insert for KenTIP™ FS
Modular Drilling • Carbide Insert for KenTIP™ FS
Modular Drilling • Carbide Insert for KenTIP™ FS
Modular Drilling • Carbide Insert for KenTIP™ FS

KenTIP™ FS • Insert • HPC Geometry

Modular Drilling • Carbide Insert for KenTIP™ FS

Features and benefits

  • HPC point geometry for highest performance in cast iron.

  • Four margin lands ensure hole straightness.

  • Large corner radius to prevents chipping and reduces exit burs when drilling through holes.

  • Through coolant.

Uses and application

  • DrillingDrilling
  • Drilling: Inclined ExitDrilling: Inclined Exit
  • Drilling: Stacked PlatesDrilling: Stacked Plates
  • 100160773100160773
  • Tool Dimensions: 2flute/4margin/coolantTool Dimensions: 2flute/4margin/coolant
  • Drilling: Cross-Hole DrillingDrilling: Cross-Hole Drilling
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