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KenCast Quarter Round for general weld-on wear protection for inside corners for buckets, crusher teeth, and other application where weld joints do not need fully protected by the casting
KenCast Quarter Round for general weld-on wear protection for inside corners for buckets, crusher teeth, and other application where weld joints do not need fully protected by the casting
KenCast Quarter Round for general weld-on wear protection for inside corners for buckets, crusher teeth, and other application where weld joints do not need fully protected by the casting
KenCast Quarter Round for general weld-on wear protection for inside corners for buckets, crusher teeth, and other application where weld joints do not need fully protected by the casting

KenCast Tungsten Carbide & Steel Wear Protection • Quarter Round • No Weld Chamfer

KenCast Quarter Round for general weld-on wear protection for inside corners for buckets, crusher teeth, and other application where weld joints do not need fully protected by the casting

Features and benefits

  • Extreme versatility — complex parts and geometries can be produced and customized to specific wear issues.

  • Excellent wear resistance — lowering repair costs and downtime.

  • Additional protection for your equipment.

  • Typical applications include bucket lips, drill stabilizers, grouser bars, shovel protection, dozer blade wear areas.

  • Easy to apply in the field.

  • Non-layered material.

Uses and application

  • 109318119109318119
  • 109318121109318121
  • 109318125109318125
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