PITTSBURGH, Feb. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Kennametal Inc. (NYSE: KMT) announced today that Michael Pici has been named Vice President, Investor Relations effective immediately.

In this role, Pici will be responsible for the company's global investor relations strategy and will report directly to Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Patrick Watson. Pici replaces Kelly Boyer who is moving into a new role at Kennametal. She and Pici will work together to ensure a seamless transition.

Pici has more than 30 years of experience across investor relations, financial analysis, reporting and corporate development. He has held financial leadership positions at numerous publicly traded companies and has over 10 years of investor relations experience. Most recently, Pici served as Vice President, Investor Relations for Perspecta.

He holds a bachelor's degree in marketing management and an MBA in financial management from Pace University, as well as a Six Sigma Certification from the University of Michigan.

About Kennametal

With over 80 years as an industrial technology leader, Kennametal Inc. delivers productivity to customers through materials science, tooling and wear-resistant solutions. Customers across aerospace, earthworks, energy, general engineering and transportation turn to Kennametal to help them manufacture with precision and efficiency. Every day approximately 8,700 employees are helping customers in more than 60 countries stay competitive. Kennametal generated $2 billion in revenues in fiscal 2022. Learn more at www.kennametal.com. Follow @Kennametal: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.

SOURCE Kennametal Inc.

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